The Szemrédi non-profit, Educational Charitable Foundation for the Students of Pannonhalma.
The objectives of the Szemrédi Közhasznú Alapítvány a Pannonhalmi Diákokért is to help talented students attend this elite school by offering merit and need-based financial aid for students whose parents cannot afford the boarding school expenses. As a result, more deserving students can receive an excellent education, not only academically, but also spiritually, morally, emotionally, and socially. These boys, who might not otherwise have this opportunity, can become productive, well-rounded individuals, with the ability to make a positive impact for the benefit of their country.
The Pannonhalma Benedictine Roman Catholic educational institution, prestigious Middle and High School, is one of the oldest schools in Europe. The school is an integral part of the thousand-year-old Pannonhalma Benedictine Archabbey, and it is one of the most distinguished secondary schools in Hungary. It is widely recognized for academic excellence and diverse extracurricular activities. This boarding school for boys houses about 360 students who study for either four or six years.
Dr. Zoltán Szemrédi and Gabriella Szemrédi founded the non-profit foundation for the students of Pannonhalma in Hungary to assist with the schooling expenses of talented students from less fortunate families. The founders make significant donations each year.
This charity is based upon two separate aspects which combine to work in harmony.
- Permanent Endowment Fund: Donations into this core endowment account can only be invested, and the resulting earned income is distributed to selected students. This concept ensures reliable financial assistance year after year.
- Distributable Fund: Donations to this account, plus the interest earned by the endowment fund, becomes available for financial aid scholarship distribution each school year.
Students eligible for financial aid scholarship are identified by the faculty. Students, along with their parents, complete the application for financial aid and file it with the Board. Prior to each school year, the Board decides the amount of each scholarship, as well as the number of students who will be receiving them. The amount of assistance is determined by the distributable funds account balance.
A five-member Board of Directors manages the foundation. As an additional oversight, a three-member Auditing Board will scrutinize all of the foundation’s financial activities. All board members are professionals in various fields, such as law, medicine, education and financial management. Many are alumni of the school.
Members of both boards participate on a voluntary basis, at no cost to the foundation. Furthermore, the School of Pannonhalma covers the charity’s administrative expenses, therefore, 100% of any donation or inheritance will be used for the benefit of the students.
Donations may be made to either or both funds: Permanent Endowment Fund or Distributable Fund. Any donations are greatly appreciated.
Charity Information:
- President of the Board: dr. Juhász-Laczik Tamás László
- Contact: +36 96 570 140,
- Address: 9090 Pannonhalma, Vár 1
- Registration number: 8-01-0051337
- Tax Identification: 18628137-1-08
- For international bank transfers:
- Bank Name: CIB Bank Zrt., Medve u. 4-14, 1027, Budapest, Hungary
- IBAN account number: HU88-10700031-67962477-51100005 (HUF distributable fund)
- IBAN account number: HU54-10700031-67962477-52000001 (HUF endowment fund)
- IBAN account number: HU46-10700031-67962477-50000005 (USD endowment fund)
Note: Charities in Hungary must be registered and approved by the court, and they are under strict government supervision. To see the Charity’s Registration in the Hungarian judicial web site: Click on the following link and open the hyperlink:…
In the first field, next to “Szervezet neve”, type in Szemrédi, and press enter. It will display “Szemrédi Közhasznú Alapítvány a Pannonhalmi Diákokért”. To see the registration document, (currently available only in Hungarian) double click on the charity’s name.