The Szemrédi Közhasznú Alapítvány a Pannonhalmi Diákokért Foundation:
President of the Board: dr. Juhász-Laczik Tamás László
Contact: +36 96 570 140,
Address: 9090 Pannonhalma, Vár 1
Founding document: Click on the attachment link at the bottom (Hungarian only)
Registration number: 8-01-0051337
Tax Identification: 18628137-1-08
Bank: CIB Bank Zrt. 1027, Budapest, Medve u. 4-14, Pf. 394
International bank transfers:
HUF distributable fund: 1070 0031 6796 2477 5110 0005
HUF endowment IBAN: HU54 1070 0031 6796 2477 5200 0001
USD endowment IBAN: HU46 1070 0031 6796 2477 5000 0005